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You Can Customized The Wedge Wire Screen Flat Mesh

Views: 21     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2020-02-04      Origin: Site


Wedge Wire Screen Flat Panels 4

Wedge wire screen meshes are available in various shapes and forms on request, such as flat plates, curved screens, conical baskets, cylinders, shovels or discs. For curved, cylindrical and conical screens, in most cases the cross bar is placed around the circumference with the contour line running parallel to the axis. Sometimes this arrangement is reversed.

Our wedge wire screen flat meshes are custom made and can be designed and manufactured to fit any screening equipment of specified width and length. Need an oversized stainless steel flat screen? no problem. The size, shape and spacing of the shaped wire are designed to meet your special work requirements. A single wire on the working surface of each wedge line flat screen can be manufactured at an angle to better meet your needs.

The wedge-shaped wire mesh flat screen has the characteristics of large structure, large opening area and accurate slot size. At the same time, it has the characteristics of heat resistance, corrosion resistance, good processing performance, long service life, safety and reliability. Features. It can be used for a variety of media filtration.




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